
A mostrar mensagens de maio, 2018

African Migrations

African Migrations. Patterns and Perspectives Edited by Abdoulaye Kane and Todd H. Leedy Publication Year: 2013 Spurred by major changes in the world economy and in local ecology, the contemporary migration of Africans, both within the continent and to various destinations in Europe and North America, has seriously affected thousands of lives and livelihoods. The contributors to this volume, reflecting a variety of disciplinary perspectives, examine the causes and consequences of this new migration. The essays cover topics such as rural-urban migration into African cities, transnational migration, and the experience of immigrants abroad, as well as the issues surrounding migrant identity and how Africans re-create community and strive to maintain ethnic, gender, national, and religious ties to their former homes.

Migration in World History

Patrick Manning, Migration in World History , 2nd ed., Routledge, 2013. Reviewed by Connie Lamb   This  book  is  part  of  the  series,  Themes  in  World  History,  which proposes  to  provide exciting, new and wide - ranging surveys of the important themes of world history.  Each theme is examined over a broad period of time allowing analysis of continuities and change.  Manning’s book certainly fits this pattern, in its broad time coverage, analysis of local movements,  and  historical  methods  for discussing  migration.    Manning  defines  human migration simply as the “movement from one place to another and from one social context to another” (191) Artigo completo aqui .

ÁFRICA/BRASIL: corpos, tempos e histórias silenciadas

ÁFRICA/BRASIL: corpos, tempos e histórias silenciadas AFRICA/BRAZIL: bodies, time and silenced histories Maria Antonieta Antonacci Resumo Na perspectiva que história é cultura, questões abordadas neste ensaio articulam-se à reivindicação fundamental de incorporações de saberes e poderes de tradições orais de culturas africanas e afro-brasileiras em nossos debates e possíveis construções de argumentações históricas relacionadas à História da África, e a culturas africanas e afro-brasileiras entre nós. Tentando acompanhar movimentos históricos de confrontações, negociações e injunções entre saberes locais e projetos globais, procuramos enfrentar armadilhas da construção e projeção de dominâncias eurocêntricas. Artigo completo aqui .

Os bantu e os linguistas


Migrações e línguas bantu


Migrações Africanas




Tráfico de escravos


Migrações bantu


