Básica * Livros Castles, Stephen, e Mark J. Miller (2009), The Age of Migration. International Population Movements in the Modern World, 4.ª ed., Nova Iorque, Palgrave-Macmillan. Goldin, Ian, Geoffrey Cameron e Meera Blarajan (2011), Exceptional People. How Migration Shaped Our World and Will Define Our Future, Princeton, Princeton University Press. Pires, Rui Pena (2003), Migrações e Integração. Teoria e Aplicações à Sociedade Portuguesa, Oeiras, Celta. * Atlas King, Russel, e outros (2010), The Atlas of Human Migration. Global Patterns of People on the Move, Londres, Earthscan. Pires, Rui Pena, Fernando Luís Machado, João Peixoto e Maria João Vaz (2010), Portugal. Atlas das Migrações Internacionais, Lisboa, Tinta-da-china. Wenden, Catherine Wihtol de (2009), Atlas Mondial des Migrations, Paris, Autrement. Complementar * Referências bibliográficas: aulas teóricas Alba, Richard, e Victor Nee (2003), "Assimilation theory, old and new...
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